Fixed: Ensure that RigidBody's isKinematic value stays always to true on clients with server only physics.Fixed: "Assembly already referenced" warning emit by ILWeaver (XBoxOne).Fixed: NotifyWindowFull does not respect Connection Timeout.New Unity 2022 for Mac uses LegacyRuntime.ttf instead Fixed: Added fallback for Arial.ttf font.Fixed: An alloc each frame in NetworkRunner.RegisterNetworkCallbacks if it contains no callbacks.Fixed: Minor alloc in NetSocketHybrid.Receive in Debug build.JoinSessionLobby to include useDefaultCloudPorts argument.StartGameArgs.UseDefaultPhotonCloudPorts.Allow to subclass NetworkPhysicsSimulation2D and NetworkPhysicsSimulation3D to override PhysicsSimulationDeltaTime, which defines the delta-time used to update the physics simulation.

HitboxRoot.DeRegister method to manually de-register the root colliders from the lag-compensation system.Ensure it is enabled in Project Settings > Player > Resolution and Presentation. The Run in Background is disabled by default in some render pipelines.